The Shoestring Astronomy Store


To our on-line product store, Here you will find our line of custom items specially designed and built for your astronomy needs. We appreciate your business.

Shoestring Astronomy is now operating out of New Jersey. We will strive our best to fulfil orders and respond to e-mails in a timely manner. Please contact us anytime for questions and information regarding products and shipping

Thank you very much from our staff

Autoguide Port Interface Products

These products provide the ability for a computer to communicate with ST-4 style autoguide ports that are included with many telescope mounts.

Shutter Control Interface Products

These products provide the ability for a computer to control the shutter of many of the popular DSLR cameras being used for astrophotography.

Focus Motor Control Products

These products provide the ability for a computer to control DC focus motors as found on many popular focusers.

EQ Direct Interface Products

These products complete a direct communication link to Synscan-controlled mounts, bypassing the need to communicate through the handcontroller.